Information on registration for 2024 – 2025 :

PLEASE NOTE: No payment is required until the registration has been validated by the school principal alone.

Registrations for new students are open from 19 February to 15 March 2024, the deadline for submitting applications, via the EDUKA portal.

Parents wishing to register their child(ren) must upload the supporting documents listed below.

A telephone call and/or a visit to the school does not constitute a registration, which must be made via EDUKA. Similarly, payment of the registration fee without a complete application file does not constitute initial registration.


  1. No payment is required until the registration has been validated by the school principal alone.
  2. Incomplete applications will not be examined.
  3. Each type of document must be scanned separately in PDF format in the correct reading direction. If it contains several pages, they must be in the right order.
  4. Documents drawn up in a foreign language must be translated into one of the languages (French, Vietnamese, English) by an approved translation service.
  5. Late registration requests, even for French children, can only be processed if places are available.

PROCEDURE The EDUKA portal will be open from 19 February to 15 March 2024 at 5pm (Hanoi time).

You have no children currently enrolled at the Lycée

If you have never started a registration, click on the button below to create an account.

If you have already created an account, click on the button below to log in and create a registration file.

You have at least one child currently attending the Lycée

You can pre-register another child by clicking on the button below
You must use your ENT (Environnement Numérique de Travail) login and password.

To re-enrol a pupil who has left the school since 2019, parents are asked to contact the secretary’s office by email or telephone to find out about the re-enrolment procedure.

Follow-up of the file

1. In the case of applications for enrolment in PS classes, families will be informed by email of the head teacher’s decision around the end of May 2024.

2. In the case of applications for enrolment in higher classes, families will be informed by email of the head teacher’s decision around mid-June 2024, as well as the date of the entrance test if applicable.

3. In the event of a favourable decision by the school principal, families must confirm their children’s enrolment by paying the enrolment fees by bank transfer within one week. They will receive an electronic invoice issued by the finance department.

Failure to pay these fees will result in cancellation of the enrolment. Similarly, if the family cancels the enrolment, these fees will not be reimbursed (see the school’s financial regulations).

Registration will then be finalised as soon as the additional documents requested by the administration have been received (see the end of the list of documents to be provided above).

Enrolment during the 2023-2024 school year only for French students or students in the French education system (school in France or in the AEFE network) :

Parents wishing to enrol their child(ren) should contact the school office by e-mail or telephone.